Sunday, September 2, 2007

NM2208 Week 3 - Criticism!

Been through the tutorial this week and the feedback is kinda devastating. I spent 6 hours drawing my 1st assignment. The feedback given for the "like" was: "Not good enough. Mouse cannot tell I like computers." Well, I was thinking how to represent my name using computers.

Perhaps I wasn't imaginative enough and the following is my thumbnails. As you can see, they are plain simple. It could be because I hate art since secondary school. However, I am trying to savage whatever art "skill" that was left after 10 years of depreciation.

Next is the "hate", the feedback received was far better than the first. At least people can tell "I hate art" by looking at the broken brushes. However, the lecturer said that more "punch" could be given to the design. I certainly agree as I also felt that way. I really hate art to the max!!! Probably that would drive my motivation to make it outstanding.

I find the critique sharing session quite useful as it allows me to see ideas coming from various angles. I like the "Batman" design as he really made the original logo evolved into his name. I also like the concept of "left behind" where he made half of his name separated and "left behind". This kind of idea exposure is what an outstanding designer need to inspire himself.

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